August from the bench

As we sat down at the fly tying bench for this month, August. We’re in full summer mode and tying baitfish style flies to resemble the scaled sardines or pilchards that are so prevalent and a favorite of our local gamefish. Too, as our rain totals increase providing...

June from the bench

As we sat down at the fly tying bench for this month, June. We’re in full summer mode and tying baitfish style flies to resemble the scaled sardines or pilchards that are so prevalent and  a favorite of our local gamefish. Too, as our rain totals increase providing...

May from the bench

As we sat down at the fly tying bench for this month, May. We’re in a summer pattern and tying more baitfish style flies to resemble the scaled sardines or pilchards that have moved back inshore and are a favorite of our local gamefish. We’ll still keep a good...

April from the bench

As we sat down at the fly tying bench for this month, April. We’re in a spring pattern and tying more baitfish style flies to resemble the scaled sardines or pilchards that have moved back inshore and are a favorite of our local gamefish. We’ll still keep a good...

March from the bench

As we sat down at the fly tying bench for this month, March. We’re preparing for spring and starting to tie more baitfish style flies to resemble the scaled sardines or pilchards that will move back inshore and are a favorite of our local gamefish. We’ll still keep a...

February from the bench

As we sat down at the fly tying bench for this month, February. We’re deep into our winter pattern and its been really cool. We’re working deep into the backcountry following our favorite gamefish as salinity levels drop there and to get out of the wind. In addition,...