by WreckTangle | Jan 31, 2022 | Charlotte Harbor outlook library
Typically, February is an extension of the previous two months in that the weather is dominated by cool north winds and low tides. With spring on the horizon and if the wind allows, I’ll begin making my way out of the creek systems to adjacent outside shorelines to... by WreckTangle | Dec 31, 2021 | Charlotte Harbor outlook library
As we enter the height or what could be considered this winter’s midlife, the conditions or elements we face won’t differ all that much from last month. That being wind and low tides. However, we can take advantage of these tides by getting set up when they’re low... by WreckTangle | Dec 1, 2021 | Charlotte Harbor outlook library
For the most part, this can be a good month to have a good wind App. I like Windfinder as it’s accurate and free. It’s a good way to keep an eye out for opportunities, chamber of commerce type days, that do come along between the fronts that are so prevalent this time... by WreckTangle | Oct 27, 2021 | Charlotte Harbor outlook library
Change is in the air. We’re approaching a winter pattern around the harbor as sporadic northern fronts combine with seasonally low tides. As well as contributing to cooler temperatures, these winds also push water out of the harbor escalating these tides. Typically,... by WreckTangle | Sep 28, 2021 | Charlotte Harbor outlook library
This is one of my favorite months as southwest Florida transitions out of summer but is still a month or so away from the first front that suggests winter is approaching. Cooler water temperatures put game fish on the move. This combined with moderate breezes provides... by WreckTangle | Sep 1, 2021 | Charlotte Harbor outlook library
With the heat still ever present, I’ll continue woking early and concentrate on outside shorelines that run adjacent to open water bar systems. In particular, shorelines that adjoin creek mouths and deeper cuts are my favorites. This type of habitat can hold snook,...
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