The tree shot

A week or so ago at our annual club casting clinic, I believe it was Rod who brought up the point that when fishing mangrove shorelines he liked to always throw flies that were tied with weed guards. The club is the Charlotte Harbor Fly Fishers. A casual group of good...

Early January 2021 observations

Although the last couple days have been warm, there are some cool temperatures on the horizon next week. Last week, cool water temperatures in the 50’s left our redfish a bit lethargic as many could be seen lying in the sun way off the shoreline trying to warm...

January 2021

It’s midwinter and working on the water has a way of making you curse the wind. In a best case scenario, we’re all hoping to pick our spots between fronts while enjoying sleeping in a bit. However, if you’re willing to brave the elements there are good options. For...