The St. Simons Scampi is an original fly that builds upon the success of the Prawn’s Revenge.  It is one of my killer red fish flies in the fall and winter or when the fish are keying on small shrimp.  It can be used in both clear and murky water, and on most days this past winter it was my go to fly .   It should also be great on the flooded grass flats in the summer.  I can’t wait to try it there.  Enjoy tying and fishing this very effective fly.

These are more red fish flies that catch fish in the Marshes of Glynn:
Click on the hyper link to be directed to detailed tying instructions

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“I love your newsletters, and as soon as I get a couple dollars saved I  most certainly would like to book a trip with you! Thank you for  everything…you definitely keep the “Stoke” alive….especially when I’m at school over-seas!! Thank You”

1.  Black Toad  Probably the best red fish flies for fishing in the grass.
2.  Captain Dave’s Double Rattle Flash Crab-an original Capt. Dave pattern A great pattern when the water is murky.
3.  Epxoy Rattle Shrimp
4.  Estaz Marabou A simple yet effective red fish flies ever.
4.  Gold Spoon Fly, Dupree Style  A grass flats favorite
5.  Black Spoon Fly, Hamilton Style  Another grass flats favorite.  Tie it in black
6. Prawn’s Revenge-an original Capt. Dave pattern Video tying instructions are available for this fly
7. The St. Simons Scampi. Another new fly from Capt. Dave.  Video tying instructions are above
8.  Gurgler Shrimp-We had great luck on this fly this fall.  Trout busting a top water fly.  What fun.
9.  Crystal Shrimp-A great new pattern I added in March 2013.  It is one of the best red fish flies available.
10. Tan and Rust/Root Beer clouser.  One of the standard red fish flies.  Pattern and recipe below

I am working on some interesting variations and innovations for red fish flies. Register for the feed so you will know when I get them perfected and published. I have several new flies I will soon put on the page so it will be the best red fish flies page on the web.

Listed below is the recipe for the classic Clouser. You could fish the Marshes of Glynn with just this fly in multiple color combinations.

Please register and check out the other recipes for my favorite red fsih flies. Check back often.

Classic Clouser
Rust and tan clouser

A great fly for reds, trout and triple tail

# 2 Mustad 30047 hook or equivalent. (It is OK to use the tinned hooks rather than stainless hooks on this fly. It is less expensive and quickly deteriorates in salt water in case you lose it on the bottom or in a fish’s mouth. If you rinse the fly after using it, it will last a long time.)
Small or extra small red dumbbell lead eyes
Crystal Flash, copper or pearl
Size A red rod wrapping thread or Danville flat waxed nylon, red.
Bucktail or synthetic hair of the appropriate color.
The two best color combinations are Tan and Rootbeer and Chartreuse and white. Solid black is a good color to use in stained water. The Electric Chicken (Pink and chartreuse) clouser is an excellent choice.
This fly works best when tied very sparsely.

A great fly for reds, trout and triple tai

1. Place hook in vise, hook point down. Lay down a thread base approximately 1/4″ long and 3/8″ back from hook eye.
2. Place dumbbell eyes on thread base and attach with figure eight wraps. When tightly attached, wrap the thread around the base of the eyes several times to tighten up the eyes. Place thread at rear of eyes, and put a drop of superglue on the tie in.
3. Choose the lighter colored hair, about 1/2 the diameter of a pencil. If using bucktail, do not stack. If using synthetic fiber, be sure to taper the ends. Measure the hair so it is two to three hook shanks long. Place hair on top of the hook shank. Make two wraps to secure the hair to the hook shank directly behind the eyes. Holding the hair on top of the hook shank, spiral wrap back three times to the hook bend. Then spiral forward to directly behind the eyes. Advance the thread to directly in front of the eyes. Grab the butt end of the hair, pull it over the eyes, and tie it down directly in front of the eyes. Be careful about cutting the deer hair with the thread. Cut the butt end of the hair at an angle, and tie down ends.
4. Turn the hook over in the vise. Select about four strands of K flash. Double it around the thread and tie it in. Cut it to multiple lengths extending to the end of the hair.
5. Select the darker colored hair just as you did in step 3. Tie in this hair on top of the K flash in front of the eyes.
6. Make a neat thread head, whip finish and cover with head cement. You can coat the head and eyes with epoxy and rotate it if you want to make a bombproof clouser.
7. Go fishing.